速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Islamic Quiz – Are you a star player?

Islamic Quiz – Are you a star player?


檔案大小:1.5 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 3.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Islamic Quiz – Are you a star player?(圖1)-速報App

How good is your knowledge about basic Islamic topics? Take the Islamic Quiz to find out. This application provides the user with approximately 200 questions on the following Islamic topics.

1. Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

2. Al Quran

3. Angels

Islamic Quiz – Are you a star player?(圖2)-速報App

4. Holy Books

5. Caliphs

6. Pillars of Islam

7. Historic events of Islam

Islamic Quiz – Are you a star player?(圖3)-速報App

8. Religious Places

9. Islamic Battles

10. Islamic Months

11. About Prophets

Islamic Quiz – Are you a star player?(圖4)-速報App

12. Mothers of the Faithful

13. Prayers

A challenging app for us or our children to learn about our deen.

Islamic Quiz – Are you a star player?(圖5)-速報App
